For On Marketplace Enrollees

Open Enrollment Period

The Open Enrollment Period for 2015 coverage begins Nov. 15, 2014, and ends Feb. 15, 2015. This is the time of year when you may make plan changes, and when insurance companies can make changes to the plans they offer. You will receive a renewal packet in the mail in early November that explains your options and steps to follow to ensure your coverage continues in 2015. You can also download this Guide to Staying Covered in 2015 to understand actions you might need to take.


Plans Being Discontinued

CoOportunity Health is making several changes to the plans we offer on the Health Insurance Marketplace ( in the individual market.

Iowa | On Marketplace Changes Nebraska | On Marketplace Changes
  • Platinum Plans: Platinum metal level plans will not be offered in 2015
  • Choice Plans: CoOportunity Choice UI Health Alliance will not be offered in 2015
  • Preferred Plans: CoOportunity Preferred UI Health Alliance will be discontinued in 15 counties: Buchanan, Butler, Cherokee, Crawford, Des Moines, Dubuque, Greene, Grundy, Guthrie, Ida, Iowa, Louisa, Monona, Plymouth and Tama.
  • Platinum Plans: Platinum metal level plans will not be offered in 2015


Checklists for Open Enrollment Period

Your renewal packet will explain any actions you need to take and will include a checklist to guide you through the process.

Not Making
a Plan Change
Making a
Plan Change
Ending Your

Plans Being Renewed
No action is needed if you are not changing the plan option outlined in your renewal notice. Your coverage will automatically renew effective Jan. 1, 2015.

Options to Change Plans
If you do not want to automatically renew your 2014 plan, or the proposed new plan selected for you by CoOportunity Health, you will need to select and enroll in a new plan. Important: You will need to make these changes through the Health Insurance Marketplace by calling 1.800.318.2596, or log in to your account to make a plan change.

If you decide you no longer want health insurance coverage with CoOportunity Health, you will need to notify the Health Insurance Marketplace by calling 1.800.318.2596, or log in to your account to make a plan change.

Plans Being Discontinued
Platinum Plans: Because Platinum plans are no longer offered, your renewal notice will provide you with rates and information for Gold metal level plans. If you like this new option, no action is needed and you will be automatically enrolled in the Gold plan. If you do not like this option, follow steps for “Making a Plan Change.”
Choice & Preferred Plans: If you live in a county where these plans are no longer being offered (see above), you will need to select and enroll in a new plan for 2015, either with CoOportunity Health or with another health insurance company.

Be aware of enrollment deadlines. You will need notify (call or log in) by the 15th of the month if you want the change to take effect by the first of the month.

Deadline Date Coverage Will Start

Dec. 15, 2014

Jan. 1, 2015

Jan. 15, 2015

Feb. 1, 2015

Feb. 15, 2015

Mar. 1, 2015



You must provide 14 days advance notice from when you want your coverage to end.

If you are paying your premium using the automatic withdrawal feature of Online Bill Pay, please make sure you log into your account and stop future 2015 payments.

If you have any billing questions when ending your coverage, please call CoOportunity Health at 1.888.827.0181 Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


Quick Links: Company Info



Our Renewal Hotline
7a – 6p | Mon-Fri

Marketplace Customer Service
Available 24/7

Your Broker/Agent
If you work with an agent, contact them for assistance changing plans.

Local Assistor
Find a navigator or CAC in your area.



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